
How does cold therapy help?

Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is used for various purposes including pain relief, reducing inflammation, and aiding in muscle recovery.

When cold is applied to the body, it causes blood vessels to constrict, which can help reduce swelling and inflammation. Additionally, cold therapy can numb the affected area, temporarily reducing nerve activity and pain sensation.

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why ARctic AThletics?

Here at Arctic Athletics, at the heart of the company is people's mental wellbeing where we look to provide affordable and natural methods to improve your personal mental health.

We look to support all people and athletes from the grass roots up.This includes investing in growing fitness communities and clubs locally.

Supporting some of the best. . .

Read what our customers have to say. . .

Andrew  Kerr - 18/01

Only the best!

Bought a tub at Christmas, this is simply the BEST!!

Andrew Kerr - 18/01

Lorraine H - 08/02

Sooo Good!

I ordered my tub in February and it came very quickly - have loved using this in the garden

Lorraine H - 08/02

Craig H - 12/02

Great purchase

Great product, has helped my recovery so much after intense gym sessions.

Craig H - 12/02

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